however simple ....

Yesterday, in the back room of the church at the Balmain Market I found a veritable treasure chest of Thai silk clothing and textiles. A few items were hung but most were tied in twine in carefully arranged piles on a trestle table.

The stall was run by a Thai woman and a younger helper who I am guessing was her daughter. The older woman appeared to be instructing the other as I perused their gorgeous wares. I was quietly and respectfully showed to a small makeshift changing room when I made my difficult selection.

My purchase was laid out on the table and the item meticulously folded. 'It is all handmade', the stall-owner said, and she stroked the fabric as she quietly explained to the other how to fold it. The shirt was then placed on a sheet of simple, hand made rice paper and the older woman stepped her apprentice through a fold that culminated in a tucked in corner that necessitated no adhesive.

In two hands the parcel was handed to me and I was graciously thanked for my purchase. We exchanged a smile and feeling as though I was carrying treasure I left the building contemplating what I had just witnessed. Seconds later the young woman ran up and gave me a small shoulder bag - 'this is for you, for free', she said.

The parcel sat for a day unwrapped.