down to earth portfolios
published onOn day 2 of DEHub I enjoyed a workshop by Debra Hoven (now at Athabasca) on e-portfolios. Although plagued by internet problems (will conference venues EVER get it right!) that meant we were unable to build ideas in Debra's wikispace (some great resources here) it was an engaging conversation across a very diverse group. Debra's approach was very much one of student choice/ownership and a focus on narrative/ digital storytelling.
Here's a few notes I took during the session:
- E-portfolios are about the development of personal 'brand' not about proving something
- A purposeful and cumulative aggregation of digital items/ artefacts - ideas, reflections, evidence, feedback
- How to select? - choose 5 artefacts and justify selection
- The repurposing of content has implications for use in recognition/RPL
- We must be careful of validity - what is actually being assessed? the ability to reflect? technical skills?
- Attempts to implement an e-portfolio system that is scalable and manageable assume something being DONE TO students
- The benefits of being electronic (discussion) - portability, varied voice, connections, multimodality, updating anywhere/anytime, easier, variable access, sorting/categorisation potential
- Avoid showcasing (as opposed to assessment) which tends to only highlight the best aspects - encourage discussion of things that didn't work
- How can we scaffold reflection? - this is particularly of interest to me as I continue to experience teachers, let alone students, who lack the ability to engage in critical reflection around their practice
Debra's students shared the following pointers for supporting the use of e-portfolios:
- Provide top 10 tips and best practices
- Give examples of model e-portfolios
- provide examples of artefacts
- develop tutorials
- provide access to one person who has completed a portfolio
- offer videos of past students discussing how they used their portfolio to gain employment
- set up facilitator/student discussion forums
- record podcasts from staff explaining uses and how assignments are relevant to the portfolio

[CC FlickR image shared by nickrate]